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All the latest news will appear here, as soon as it happens.
- YEAH! I'm getting steady connections
- Colin McRae Rally is finally up, reviewed by A.K. Also reviewed
is Kula
World by A.K. again.
- I will not be able to update the site
tomorrow as I am at an Election Hustings for the new
Scottish Parliament! So here's tomorrows review: Ninja: Shadow of
Darkness by Mossy.
- Mossy is back again tomorrow with Broken
Sword II and KKND Krossfire. Asterix and Tekken 3 should
be reviewed soon by A.K.
- And Finally, we are delighted to welcome
an additional reviewer to our site.
"Tam" will be reviewing a variety of games for
the N64, but mainly focusing on low budget games and
older versions for you to compare with newer versions. He
has written a second review of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and
that will be posted shortly.
- Yup, more reviews for you. Another by A.K.
EVIL 2!! Can you survive
the horror? Read A.K.'s review and find out. Also, Dead or Alive, by A.K. again.
- Don't worry, Mossy is still with us. He's
got two reviews coming very shortly: Ninja: Shadow of
Darkness and Broken Sword II. Also, KKND Krossfire should
be up by the end of the week. Join the mailing list to
find out more.
- Attention all N64 junkies: The Campbell is
alive and well again with Mario Kart being
reviewed. We also have an additional N64 reviewer so that
the section gets itself going. I can't tell you his/her
name yet, but their credentials are great!
checked out the guestbook recently, you will have seen my
notice about Freezone being down. I have not had a steady
connection since the 14th and have tried at least four
times every day to get one.
- I have two new reviews on the Playstation
by A.K: Z and Cool
Boarders 2.
- Resident Evil 2 looks certain to be up
when I next get a connection. I may be forced to move the
site if this carries on....
- WE'RE BACK ON-LINE!! Since the 6th of
April we have not been able to update the site. We now
have and boy do we have a lot for you.
- Today I have two new previews for you of
two new versions of two great racing games on the
Playstation. V-Rally
2 and Ridge Racer Type 4 -
both previewed by A.K.
- The Command & Conquer
feature by Mossy was uploaded as well.
- Two new playstation reviews as well! Spyro The Dragon and Apocalypse - both by
- Mossy has been away so expect loadsa
reviews from him shortly. Also - Future reviews include
Silver (PC), KKND Krossfire (PSX), Asterix (PSX),
Carmageddon II (PC), Railroad Tycoon II (PC), Resident
Evil 2 (PSX), Dead or Alive (PSX), Colin McRae Rally
(PSX), Coolboarders 2 (PSX), and Z (PSX). Keep coming
back, or join the mailing list at the bottom of the page!
And....It's good to be back!
- MUSIC NEWS: All the profits from Michael
Jackson's new single "What More Can I Give?"
will go to help the Kosovo victims of the ethnic
cleansing that has been taking place.
- Sorry about the lack of reviews. I was
building a new version of CCM Reviews and got a bit
carried away. But, I did try to upload the Command &
Conquer feature. Unfortunately there were server
problems. Sorry. Here it is today!
- The new website will be up in a few weeks.
Any ideas or suggestions would be really helpful. Hell,
if we are so pleased with your idea we'll send you either
Wargasm or Delta Force!
- New PC Cheats for you
today. Including Caesar 3 and Klingon Honor Guard.
- Nope, the C&C feature does not happen
today. Tomorrow.
- The Campbell is still ill........
- New Music Review: Metallica's Garage Inc.
- Two new reviews uploaded: WCW vs NWO Thunder by Mossy and Running Wild by A.K.
- Tomorrow should see a new feature of
Command and Conquer games by Mossy.
- And just to keep you up to date on our
other reviewers; Cheezy Knob is on holiday (lucky for
some); The Campbell is ferociously trying to get better
so he can review Mario Kart; and myself, I am trying to
sort out our Internet Connection as it has been playing
up recently.
- **NEW RELEASES page now
up to give you up-to-date release dates**
- VIRUS WARNING - You may have already heard the news
that there is an E-mail virus out. This can have a
detrimental effect on your PC. The virus is named
'melissa' and operates by sending email to the top 50
names in your address book. This sequence of events
obviously affects mail servers worldwide. The FBI in the
US are chasing the culprits. As a precaution, you should
install a virus checker like McAfee AntiVirus or Norton AntiVirus.
- New music review as promised yesterday. Dookie by Green Day.
- Apologies about the lack of N64 games. Our
reviewer is ill and unfortunately unable to write reviews
let alone play the games. I am busy recruiting an
additional reviewer for the N64.
- New cheats uploaded for the PC. Visit the PC Cheats section.
- The guestbook on the Home page is now fully functional. Please feel free
to leave your comments there. However, you can still
email us at [email protected].
- And Finally, due to your responses, I will
start to review more software. WinAmp is on its way and
should be followed by Microsoft's Frontpage 97.
- New Playstation review: F1 '98 by
- Forthcoming reviews: Green Day's "Dookie" and a
feature on 3 Command & Conquer games out on the
Playstation by Mossy.
- Infogrames take over Gremlin! In a deal
close to £23 millions, the super publisher model takes
another step closer to reality as French giants
Infogrames acquire rival publishers Gremlin. Gremlin,
publishers of the popular and successful Actua
range of sports games, among others, have long been
rumoured to be open to take-over offers and Infogrames
have beaten several other publishers to secure the deal.
The take-over is reported to be friendly with disruption
and job losses at Gremlin kept to a minimum.
- New preview up today - Anna
Kournikova's Smash Court tennis - PSX. A.K.
- Charts updated. Sorry about the
- New cheats uploaded. PSX and PC.
- New Joystick review - Logitech's
Wingman Extreme. Reviewed by Cheezy Knob.
- New Playstation Review: The
Granstream Saga - A.K.
- **New section uploaded: FEATURES ** Check
out the Music Making feature.
- How many April Fools are there out there today?
- New Playstation review by Mossy: Duke Nukem: Time to
- Preview of Wargasm coming soon. A review
should be up within two weeks. Also, Delta Force will be
reviewed shortly.
- Two new Playstation reviews uploaded: Tomb
Raider 3 and Viva Football.
- **Previews Section
up and running** 4 Previews uploaded.
- New PC Game reviews uploaded: 101:101st
Airborne in Normandy, Grand Theft
Auto, Theme Hospital,
and Apache Havoc.
- N64 reviews coming soon: Mario Kart.
- New Playstation review uploaded: Gran
Tourismo - A.K.! New Playstation
cheats uploaded inc. Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2,
Destruction Derby 2.
- Check out the Playstation cheats
section. We just put up over 7 cheats for the most recent
games! Thanks to Mossy.
- "Nevermind" by
Nirvana uploaded. "Everything
Must Go" by the Manics.
- Mail us if you want to see screenshots.
We need to know if you - the public - want to see them. -
- New PC Games reviews coming shortly inc.
GTA, 101:Airborne in Normandy, Theme Hospital.
- Very busy today, aren't I. We are going to do a
previews section as well. Look out for it in the
next few days (Discworld Noir, Tanktics.)
- Also, to make you viewing of the pages quicker, try
saving some of the images, and bookmark the site for
updates. If not, just keep coming back or email me. - G-String
- Apologies for the gap! Two new album
reviews put up today!! Review of Viva Football for
the Playstation coming soon.
PUT UP!!**
- New reviews coming soon - Tomb Raider 3 (PSX) and
Raptor 3D Joystick (PC).
- Some new links up for PSX and PC games, including; ISS '98; Dark
Vengeance; MAX 2.
- We have put up the final parts of the website. Enjoy!
Forthcoming events at CCM Reviews
- Screenshots may be put up as standard for each PC game.
There are already a few up for previews and there are
some for a few games reviews. We need
to know if you want to see them,
or if you are happy with just the reviews and links.
Please email us ([email protected])
or visit the guestbook below.
Site designed by the CCM Reviews Team. Maintained by
Please report any problems to us at [email protected].
Last updated: April 21, 1999.