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ALBUM REVIEWED: This Is My Truth Tell Me
ARTIST: Manic Street Preachers
PUBLISHED BY: Sony (1998)
13 tracks -- inc. If You Tolerate
This Your Children Will Be Next, The Everlasting and You
Stole The Sun From My Heart. Awards -- Best Album (Brit
Awards '99) -- Top 50 Albums of 1999 (Q Awards).
This is the 5th album by Manic Street Preachers, a Welsh three
piece group. They consist of James-Dean Bradfield, Nicky Wire and
Sean Moore. The band used to have Richey James as a rhythm
guitarist until his disappearance a few years ago. The Manics
have made a supreme comeback after Richey's disappearance.
"Everything Must Go" won them Best Album at the Brits
in 97. Then "This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours" gave them
it again this year. Both the album and the single "If You
Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" shot straight into
Number One on the British charts. The Everlasting didn't do quite
as well and You Stole The Sun From My Heart went straight in at
number 5.
Since the days of The Holy Bible (thrashing guitars and
James-Dean screaming), the Manics have settled down somewhat, and
have taken to a calmer type of music. This Is My Truth Tell Me
Yours is completely different from their earlier albums. Quiet,
calm, and haunting comes to mind when describing this. Yes,
haunting. Some of the songs are just a guitar, a stringed
instrument (cello) and maybe drums and bass quietly in the
background. And of course James-Dean (or even Nicky Wire)
- The Everlasting. This slow song never
reached the top ten. The lyrics should have made it
successful on their own. "In the beginning, when we
were winning, when our smiles were genuine." 8/10
- If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next. Written
about the Spanish Civil War, this classic song was the
first to be released from the album. Featuring the ever
present Wurlitzer (the intro bit), this is a classic
song, but in my opinion (I've heard it so many times),
it's not really that special. 8/10
- You Stole The Sun From My Heart. Continuing
with the long titles, this is a great song to play
anywhere. With its fast, furious, sing-a-long chorus and
its mellow verses. It's the ultimate package. 9/10
- Ready For Drowning. A slow and mellow
song that never really caught my attention at all. Well,
I'll give it the credit for the guitar riffs but the
song's line was nothing special. 7/10
- Tsunami. A hint of Japanese influence in
this song with its Sitars. I never really liked it. Fast
chorus, slow verse. A trend appearing. 7/10
- My Little Empire. What can I say? Sheer
brilliance!! This is one of my favourite songs on the
album. The frenzy of drums in the background, the quiet
bass, the almost silent rhythm guitar, a distorted lead
guitar playing a few riffs, that cello belting out its
notes, and James and Nicky singing in an octave most of
us can't get down to. I love this song. "My Little
Empire, happy being sad, happy being sad, happy being
sad." The closing lyrics. Immense!! 9/10
- I'm Not Working. Very slow and smudged.
These are the characteristics of the song. Very laid back
and generally not moving. Gives you the atmosphere of
someone not working. Hmm. 7/10
- You're Tender And You're Tired. This
song is very moving. "You're tender and you're
tired. You can't be bothered to decide, whether you live
or die, or just forget about your life. Drift away and
die." Haunting is the word to describe it. It's got
a really good piano in the choruses. Lovely song. 8/10
- Born A Girl. This is another brilliant
song that shows the brilliance of the Manics. Three
instruments here. An electric guitar, an accordion and
James singing. "And I wish I had been born a girl
instead of this mess of a man." Another haunting
song. It really leaves you feeling uncomfortable and
restless. Not something to listen to when trying to get
to sleep I guess. Still, it does what it's intended to
do. 9/10
- Be Natural. This song was nothing to me.
I really did not like it or dislike it. Shame really. The
melody was nothing special. 6/10
- Black Dog On My Shoulder. Another ok-ish
song from the album. The vocals are really quite
outstanding. 7/10
- Nobody Loved You. A song made to sink
you into a depressed state of mind. I tend not to listen
to it because the lyrics are so true to life. The music
behind it really suits the song and what it's about. 7/10
- S.Y.M.M. Stands for South Yorkshire Mass
Murderer. I expected better for a song with a title like
that. Still, the lyrics are suggestive and the music
pretty ok-ish. 7/10
One of their best
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